Yesterday we added an old Landrover Santana to the driveway. It’s Red. Very Red. It has a full-length Soft Top, seats 9 (with the jump seats) and is going to be a blast to drive around this summer. Come with us, while we collect our dogs from the doggie hotel after our weekend away to… Read more: Freddy the Fireman (Landrover Santana) Explores Monte Pego Alicante Spain
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (specifically, Spain), there was a small but ambitious car company called Santana Motors. Santana was known for making sturdy, reliable vehicles that could handle just about any terrain. But they wanted to make a splash in the world of luxury cars. One day, Santana’s CEO… Read more: Landrover Santana – A Spanish Defender
The Mercedes-Benz 560 is a two-door luxury roadster that graced the roads from 1985 to 1989. Known for its impeccable build quality and reliability this car is like the fine of automobiles, getting better with age and making classic car enthusiasts swoon. (just like my wife) One of the best things about the 560SL its… Read more: 6’4″ 3XLT meets a 1989 Mercedes 560SL
NOT THE COUNTRY – THE BIKE So, after selling my much beloved T595 and moving over here to Spain, it didn’t take long for me to get the motorcycle itch. But now Motolimey garage is equipped with a German Car and German Motorcycle. Welcome to the new (to me) and very saucy BMW K1200R The… Read more: Goodbye England Hello Germany
Big Changes coming in the next few months UPDATED MAY 2023I can now mark every point as COMPLETE.Even the new motorcycle which has been purchased and being delivered this weekend – all the way from the other side of Spain. Excitement level is “frisky”
FOR SALE! 1998 Triumph Daytona T595 UPDATE AUGUST 20th 2022 — SOLD to a lucky new owner on EBAY. With a tear in my eye. But a little happy smile because he is getting a great machine! I bought this bike a decade ago, and *shame-on-me* simply haven’t ridden it. Just after buying the custard… Read more: FOR SALE – *SOLD*! 1998 Triumph Daytona T595 – Strontium Yellow
Upgraded from my 2008 Cayenne to a 2011 – Huge Improvement I had no intentions of selling my 2008 Cayenne S. I was very happy with it. Then, one day just browsing the online car ads – actually looking for an older 911 – I saw this ad for a 2011 Cayenne S in pristine… Read more: Upgrading 2008 to 2011 Porsche Cayenne
I woke up with a stiff braking problem (pun firmly intended) My Porsche Cayenne mysteriously woke up with a super stiff brake pedal and apparently no brakes. A short test drive shows that has a brake pedal that barely moves, needs to be STAMPED on to slow down even from a walking pace and felt… Read more: All Gas No Brakes (aka stiff brake pedal on my Porsche Cayenne)
Will a 6’4″ Fatty fit in a Boxster? The answer is “yes” with a little bit of *snug* Welcome to my new (to me) Porsche Boxster 2003 (but its the 2002 model). It’s the base model in Silver with black interior and it all works and is in incredibly good condition for a car that… Read more: Big Bloke Small Car
It’s time to add a new car to the stable 🙂 Oooh That sound posh! So, I found a super cheap Porsche Boxster in excellent condition. Ever since selling my (painfully crap) Audi A5 Cabriolet I’ve missed that wind in the hair driving experience. So, I bought this little sports car on the other side… Read more: Saguaro National Park Arizona in a Boxster
I recently stumbled across #PedroMota on Youtube. This global motorcycle traveler (and seemingly professional video maker) is fascinating to watch. His videos are beautifully shot, excellently narrated and contain compelling shots of interesting, dangerous and plain awesome locations as he travels around the world on his Enduro. Check out this video of him cruising a… Read more: Pedro Mota is taking motovlogs to a whole new level
As #LasVegas slowly comes back to life with Casinos, hotels, restaurants and (most importantly) bars opening on June 4th — it’s my first day back the office after two and half months of working remote. So, come with me for a little drive down the Las Vegas Strip….
I just randomly stumbled across this little video from Porsche. It’s an owner story of a chaps passion for this Porsche 911 – my fave model the 993. He loves it! His description of the driving process and visceral feel of driving one of these machines is spot on!
Vlogging on a Electric Lyft Rental Scooter Really stretching the VLOGGING genre to include this nonsense. But it’s been years since I’ve recorded anything so I might as well gently step back into the vlogging arena with this silliness.
Half way round the world on a Postman’s Bike aka – A bloke on a ridiculously small 110cc bike wakes up and decides to ride from Sydney Australia back home to England. I just randomly discovered Nathan Millward – and his globe riding adventure from Oz back to Blighty in 2009! Really enjoyed this introduction… Read more: Nathan Millward – Global Motorcycle Adventurer
Back into the wonderful world of grin inducing Porsche driving After being carless for a week and trying to decide what to buy – I bought this 2006 Porsche Cayenne S of an old friend… well, actually an ex-girlfriend who had bought this car because she loved my old silver one so much. Luckily for… Read more: Hello New (old) Porsche Truck
Well… that was a brief love affair. Pro’s of the Audi A5 Cabriolet Spacious Interior Very Cool Roof Mechanism Great Exterior Styling Smooth Gear Changes Punchy Engine (but not sporty after being spoiled by driving Porkers) Con’s of the Audi A5 Cabriolet Aircon is weak with a complicated climate control function Stereo has no bluetooth… Read more: Audi A5 2.0Turbo – Lovely Car, Shitty Engine 🙁
So, I bought a 2013 Audi A5 Cabriolet The robotic roof is incredible, the power delivery is adequate (it’s not porker fast but its quick enough to get me in trouble) and the open air driving is an absolute joy!
Swapping my trusty old Porsche Cayenne for an Audi Cabriolet (with added Sunshine) Blimey! It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged anything in the motoring world. I’ve been far too busy with that distracting thing called the real world: I’ve moved house, working hard on an exciting new Online Will project, video streaming for… Read more: Goodbye Porsche Truck
Unblocking Porsche Cayenne AC overflow – wet carpet fixed 🙂 Blocked aircon hose – which normally lets the condensation generated by the aircon leak out into the world – was causing a drip-drip-drip onto the carpets. Sloshing water on feet especially when cornering. Luckily, it’s an easy solution. Clearing the blocked aircon overflow hose is… Read more: Solving the wet Cayenne Carpet Conundrum – Part 2
Yes it’s true. I’ve decided to let my old 911 go to a new home. I hope the new owner has the time, garage skills to bring this old beauty back to life. After owning the 911 for well over 18 months now, I’ve realised that my pipe dream of spending weekends and evenings renovating… Read more: Farewell Porsche 911 Targa
Was I mad? Tidying up some old emails today I found this gem from 2001 So, I’ve had my 911 SSE for a year now. Extremely happy with it, even though it’s a bit of a garage queen – I just don’t like the idea of leaving the Porker exposed to our inclement English weather.… Read more: I sold my 1988 Porsche 911 Cabriolet Supersport SSE Widebody for $20k
Christmas Justice – This French Santa is Legend! Like every crazy festive French Motovlogger, Chris-RS – dressed as Father Christmas – decided to have a little cruise around the beautiful Parisian suburbs. Little did he know that he would end up being involved in this seasons epic motorcycle chase. While turning right you can see… Read more: French Santa Saves Biker from Hit and Run in Paris
I like this chap. He just bimbles around the home counties, especially Suffolk, and waffles away about life in general. It’s a nice memory jog of some of my old hunting grounds.
It was a quick fling. Nothing else. Honest! While my trusty (and I say that loosely) old 2008 Cayenne Truck was for a freebie recall (new airbags and a revised engine management software upgrade) at Gaudin Porsche of Las Vegas — I had a little fling! They kindly gave me a loaner while my car… Read more: I had a brief love affair with a 2017 Porsche Cayenne S
projectstork So, I stumbled across this series of videos on Youtube called #ProjectStork. This chap is chronicling the resurrection a 1977 911 that has been sitting in a garage since 2002. Sounds familiar huh… Manuel Carrillo III begin the process of resurrecting the 1977 Porsche 911S that belonged to his father. It’s the car that… Read more: #projectstork makes me hashtag jealous 🙂
Finally found and solved the wet carpet problem. Without my normal waffle – it was the drain tube from the Air Conditioning. This is a rubber hose with a semi-sealed end with a cut/slit or burper opening. The end was blocked, or had sealed itself shut, apparently a common problem with older Cayennes that have… Read more: Solving the wet Cayenne Carpet Conundrum – Part 1
Wet carpet on drivers side? The story so far – I had a drip-drip-drip onto my drivers side carpet. I didnt think too much about it. Until the car died with a massive electrical brain fart which turned out to be caused by the gradual buildup of moisture under the carpet. This moisture eventually corroded… Read more: Wet Porsche Cayenne Floor Mats?
I’ve been an INGRESS addict for a couple of years now. Love this game, it’s fun, nerdy and gets me out and about to visit and hack portals in strange places. What is INGRESS? Ingress is a futuristic, nerdy, massive multiplayer augmented reality game set in the physical world. Powered by smartphone GPS it maps the… Read more: Hunting for Exotic Desert Matter with #INGRESS
My Bloody Dripping Porsche Cayenne I’ve had this little drip-drip-drip on the front floor of the Cayenne for about a year. It only seemed to happen after hot weather and lots of aircon use. It never seemed to be a problem. Just goes to show how wrong I am at times. hashtag epicly wrong. Long… Read more: WET FEET with a Porsche Cayenne
I just stumbled across this video by a German youtuber called Techben: I love his videography style and (obviously) his awesome Porsche 911E Targa. “In meinem heutigen CINEMATIC-VIDEO zum Porsche 911E Targa, zeige ich was mit der Sony a6300 (Kit-Objektiv) in Kombination mit der Inspire 1, GoPro Hero 4 und Edelkrone Slider so möglich ist.” which… Read more: Wonderful short video of a Porsche 911 Targa by TechBen
Driving through Arkansas… a huge chunk of road debris (and I mean huge – it looked like an axle from a car) bounced up from the car in front and smashed into the rental truck. Towing the 911 at pretty much top speed (within the speed limit officer #honest) there wasn’t much to do in… Read more: Moving to Vegas – Cayenne, 911 and Daytona
So, coming this summer (like all good blockbuster movies) it’s time to start the engine rebuild on the Targa. I found a great rebuild wizard over at Pelican Parts listing each step and even with links to the parts that need to be bought. Clearly intimidating for a novice brown-thumbed garage buffoon like myself but… Read more: How to rebuild a Porsche 911 SC Engine
Fix the Porsche Cayenne Drive Shaft Clamp Bearing Support Mount Is there a midget with a hammer hiding inside your Porsche Cayenne (or VW Tourag) gearbox? Does light acceleration make your car twitter like a flock of angry birds? Chances are it’s the Porsche Cayenne Drive Shaft support failing – This part is basically rubber… Read more: How to Fix the Porsche Cayenne Drive Shaft Clamp Bearing Support Mount
A few weekends ago, an old buddy stopped by for the weekend. We were heading into downtown Charleston for lunch (and a glorious golden beverage) and decided to stop and look around Magnolia Cemetery: Incredible place, poignant and peaceful. If you are planning a visit to #chucktown then I strongly recommend a look around this… Read more: The one with Charleston Magnolia Cemetery in it
Nearly deleted this but listening to my old mate Toby, waffling and burbling to himself makes me laugh too much. Saturday morning after a heavy Friday night. Hunting the elusive fried breakfast to soak it up. I’m looking forward to the next drunken adventure with this funny little wrinkled bald man. 🙂
Holy Schnizzle this BLUE SHARK bike is Beautiful! I mean honestly… I’m just drooling looking at this. The story is that Ducati got together with one of Switzerland’s aftermarket tweakers (Parts World), Schaub Metalworks and exhaust giant Akrapovic to form the ultimate dream team and create the ultimate cafe racer. And WOW they delivered! [pullquote align=”normal”… Read more: The erection section – ‘The Blue Shark’ Ducati Panigale R cafe racer
I found various PORSCHE related script stuff over the eons of surfing the interwebs: Here is the PORSCHE FONT and you can also grab the complete collection of Porsche Decals and Graphics (PDF, AI and JPEG):
THIS is a low mileage Triumph Daytona 😉 Finally got old Tiberius close to finished — only the front indicators to fit. So, it’s time for a spin around the neighborhood to wash out the cobwebs and get the juices flowing. Finally clicked past 68 miles. Also a chance to test the helmet cam setup:… Read more: 68 miles in 7 years
T595 MIRROR Free Stuff Finally, the old boy is close to being back in road-worthy condition. It’s been a long, lazy journey for Tiberius the Trumpet but he is finally looking good. Running Good. Sounding awesome. Everything seems to be working nicely. Just a couple of minor issues to fix and then to get back… Read more: Fitting bodywork to a T595 Triumph Daytona | Free #MIRROR give-away competition
The Battery is hidden under the seat Miss Kates battery decided to was time to go sleep. #thebigsleep It had fizzled and farted for a couple of months and because she had let it run completely flat a few times, it finally gave up the ghost. So it wont start but has just enough juice to… Read more: Changing the battery in a Porsche Cayenne S
Twenty Bucks an Hour … close to minimum wage but it pays for fuel and I get to meet some really nice people and help them get where they want to go and still have money left for a cold beer later when I get home. My first day being an Uber-bloke was an enjoyable… Read more: First day of driving UBER in Charleston South Carolina
So, I started a side-gig called ‘being an UBER driver’ … and spending a couple of hours as a rideshare Uber driver was fun! A few weeks ago, after yet another Uber drive to get home from the airport I thought to myself: I thoroughly enjoy exploring around Charleston I thoroughly enjoy driving the Porker… Read more: Uber Rideshare in a Porsche Cayenne around Charleston SC
So I found my old Porsche website I did around sixteen years ago… Lots of waffle about Porsche 911 3.2 Carrera and especially my old 1988 911 SSE (the famous Porsche 911 Supersport). Much loved and very regrettably sold when I left England… Me. Feeling nostalgic. Porsche 911 3.2 Carrera Supersport (aka – Turbo Look)… Read more: My old English Porsche 911 Supersport (Widebody) SSE Cabriolet
[pullquote align=”normal” cite=”My old Porsche website on CIX in the days of html websites and page counters”]So I found my old Porsche website I did around sixteen years ago… Lots of waffle about Porsche 911 3.2 Carrera and especially my old 1988 911 SSE. Much loved and very regrettably sold when I left England…[/pullquote] The Porsche… Read more: The very saucy Porsche 911 3.2 Carrera Supersport (aka M491 TurboLook)
[pullquote align=”normal” cite=”My old Porsche website on CIX in the days of html websites and page counters”]So I found this old Porsche website I did around 2000. Hard to believe its sixteen years ago… Lots of waffle about Porsche 911 3.2 Carrera and decided to repost it just in case its of interest?[/pullquote] Engine Enhancements… Read more: So, what is so great about the Porsche 911 3.2 Carrera?
[pullquote align=”normal” cite=”My old Porsche website on CIx in the days of html websites and page counters”]So I found this old Porsche website I did around 2000. Hard to believe its sixteen years ago… Lots of waffle about Porsche 911 History and decided to repost it just in case its of interest?[/pullquote] 1956 The first studies… Read more: A potted Porsche 911 History – 1956 to 1999
More Sunday Waffle from Charleston to Sullivans Island to Isle of Palms A quick little cruise along Sullivans Island onto Isle of Palms. Then from IOP up to Mount Pleasant over the marshlands of the IOP Connector. Musing about changing the Porsche Cayenne for a Mercedes G-Wagon… or an old Landrover Defender… or maybe a… Read more: Charleston Winters are better than English Summers 🙂
Google Glass, Porsche Cayenne and two Spaniels Nothing exciting to see here… move along move along So, in this weeks exquisitely dull video I realised that I hadn’t uploaded anything for a few weeks. So, in a fit of self despair I decided to record a little jaunt across Charleston to collect the dogs from… Read more: Lazy Weekend in Charleston with the Cayenne, Google Glass, Pooch Palace and Sunday Drivers
[thrive_headline_focus title=”The morning after Hurricane Matthew has blown it’s way through the South Carolinas” orientation=”left”] it’s time for a quick driving lessons for eldest Son and an attempt to goto the beach for a dog walk (Blocked by the Plod). The storm had dissipated greatly by the time it had got to us up here,… Read more: The day after Hurricane Matthew driving from Mount Pleast to IOP in Charleston
Days before the very naughty Hurricane Matthew hits Charleston… I decided to stay here, ignoring the evacuation order. I feel like this house is far enough inland and sheltered enough that it wont be affected by the storm (except flying debris possibly) and the only flooding that we should face is from the rainfall. So,… Read more: The calm before the storm – riding around Park West in Mount Pleasant SC
Driving thru Ohio (on route to South Carolina) my 2008 Porsche Cayenne decided it was time to have it’s first breakdown. Suddenly engine coughing, jerking and flashing engine MIL light scared me into thinking I was stuck hundreds of miles from home. Bugger! A video posted by motolimey (@motolimey) on Sep 30, 2016 at 10:18am… Read more: Porsche Cayenne S – Engine Coil problem causes flashing engine MIL CEL light
I think I need a Porsche 911 Mechanic to help me? The Targa has been quietly hibernating for the last 6 weeks. Since moving into my garage I haven’t awoken to find that I have been miraculously blessed with incredit Porsche 911 Mechanic skills. So, maybe I should take it slow and just pray to… Read more: Searching for a Porsche 911 Mechanic in Charleston SC
Since emmigrating to the USA in 2008, I’ve worked all over the place and used the time to explore this great big country: Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Nevada (Vegas Baby!), Texas and California. Great memories of each state and the marvelous cities I’ve lived in. Normally spending between 6 months to a year in each… Read more: Charleston South Carolina – it’s a special place
Swarook – handled this angry little man hilariously. I randomly saw this Swarook video a couple of months ago – it had a few thousand views. I was caught between laughing, cringing and watching it with plain open mouthed incredulity. The worst reflection of the shallow end of American life. I then binge watched all… Read more: Viral motorcycle bike rage video – Swarook “Not proud of this Motorcycle road rage shame”
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Double Bloody Decker” orientation=”left”] The Baron was probably the first motovlogger that I saw on The You Tubes. He’s amusing,irreverent, caustic and his earlier motovlogs were mainly just commuting videos into London. His style reminds of Peep Show – the series. I loved watching them because he frequently rode the same commute route that I used… Read more: Best of British – Motovlogger “Baron Von Grumble”
Playing with Instagram as I finally got the barnfind porsche #911Targa into the garage… A New Home… #porsche #911 #targa #classicporsche #porsche911 #rebuild #homemechanic A video posted by motolimey (@motolimey) on Jun 24, 2016 at 3:26pm PDT PS: It needs a little more work than just a FLAT TIRE 😉
[thrive_drop_caps color=’blue’ style=’1′]It’s collection day![/thrive_drop_caps] Couldn’t be more excited and I definitely woke up with a gleam in my eye this morning. I’m going to collect the Porker today. So excited, soooo excited, I cant type…. #waaaaaaaaaaah OK. Calm Down. Deep Breathing. So, I get to collect the 911 from the previous owners garage, along with a few boxes… Read more: Pick up an old broken Porsche 911 and take it home to meet mother
So, I’ve cleared out a space in the garage, a new home for #Project911Targa Went to visit the Porker yesterday, moved lots of shit out of this crazy old mans garage and uncovered the car. Spent thirty minutes brushing off dust, cobwebs, dead pigeons, rats, layers of dirt and rust. I’m discovering that I’ve probably definitely bitten of more… Read more: Collecting the Porsche 911 in two days
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Tiberius the Triumph Daytona is ALIVE!” orientation=”left”] After replacing the fuel pump, a couple of geriatric rubber hoses, upgrading the fuel connectors and a fluid/filter change we have lift off! Project “rebirth of a 1998 Triumph Daytona” is looking good! The old boy is now ticking over nicely and being gently introduced to the tarmac… Read more: Tiberius Lives (aka rebirth of a 1998 Triumph Daytona 955i Triple Sportsbike)!
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Mr Crumble a Cheeky Northern Englishman” orientation=”left”] Mister Crumble was one of the first motovloggers that I followed back in the dim dark distance past. He’s a Northern bloke, cheeky, amusing with a sense of humour that reminds of Peter thingie that fat funny northern comedian bloke. If this comment makes you smile “…hard right into hard left… Read more: Best of British – Motovlogger “The Crumble”
I randomly stumbled across this video on Youtube and it just blew me away. It’s a beautifully produced four minute presentation of the Royal Enfield motorcycle. The musical score is uplifting and bought a tear to my eye. This really shows the pure joy that is riding a motorcycle. /me searches ebay for a Royal Enfield… Read more: Life on a Royal Enfield Motorcycle
So, I found this great article in the March 1978 Issue of Car and Driver: At this writing, Porsche has sold approximately 190,000 cars in the United States, and roughly 40,000 of these were 911s of one sort or another. Since our test car, the 1978 911 SC, may well be the last new model… Read more: The 1978 Porsche 911SC Targa is a Classic Car – it’s official!
Interesting story attached to this lovely old sports car — The previous owner has owned it since the 1990 and in ’97 moved from California over here to the East Coast. Shortly after moving it was involved in a parking lot *ding* which meant a dented rear wing and broken whale-tail. The Porker was put into… Read more: One day I found an old Porsche 911
I’m addicted to watching viral motovlog videos as they appear on the net. I’m lucky enough (or is it unlucky enough?) to have never been in the situation where my Dashcam or Helmetcam have ever recorded a really nasty incident – be it a fight, crash or road rage. But I’ve sometimes thought what should… Read more: What to do if a motovlog is going viral?
aka – When one horse is better than eighty Regardless of how you feel about motorcycle riders popping wheelies in urban surroundings, this is handled in a most civilised way and is an example of good policing, fantastically well trained horses and a rider who took his reprimands well (despite his claims of doing 22mph… Read more: London mounted horse police stops GSXR biker popping wheelies
L’équipée: Five Parisians girls passionate about old motorbikes and adventure who are going to ride the Himalaya on Royal Enfields with style. [thrive_headline_focus title=”Speaking as a red-blooded Englishman…” orientation=”left”] there is possibly nothing better that watching beautiful women, dressed stylishly and riding old motorcycles with verve. The spirit, excitement and passion of these riders is great… Read more: Vive La France!
Another year looms large and it’s lead me to some self-reflection: Namely, what the hell happened to the last five years? How come I’ve been in America for this long and never managed to ride a bike? How come I bought this Daytona T595 and then left it in storage for all this time? Why… Read more: When is a Blog a Vlog and does a MotoVlog trump them both?
Stumbled across this excellent old video on youtube… riding motorcycles from a different age: Just Brilliant! I especially smiled at the awesome workshop wallpaper at around 3:12 – an age before political correctness 🙂
[thrive_headline_focus title=”A Triumph Daytona T595 riding roads in Norway” orientation=”left”] No it’s not me… but I stumbled across this video this morning and just love it. Scenery, background music, burble of triple engine and howl of airbox.
Motorcycle News wrote an interesting article about this good old machine yesterday: Triumph needed to get it right first time with the T595 Daytona. Back in the sportsbike-crazy ’90s, nothing less was going to cut it. With Honda’s FireBlade having set the standard, being good was never going to be good enough. Outstanding was the… Read more: Triumph Daytona T595 is a Golden Oldie
My months in California have been fun but I’ve discovered the famous California lifestyle just isnt quite everything that it’s cracked up to be. I thought I would love it here but… I just… dont… Dont get me wrong, it’s a lovely place but not the shangri-la I was expecting: The weather is great but it’s always the… Read more: A year in California and it still doesn’t feel like *home*
So, sipping on my usual early morning cup of coffee, chowing on a lemon-poppy seed muffin and cruising youtube for new motovlogging videos I stumbled across SJBALI. What a joy to watch! Riding a bike in Bali seems like utter madness. I genuinely sat watching with my mouth open (crumbs of muffin gently tumbling onto… Read more: filtering is madness, joyous and utterly crazy in Bali
[thrive_headline_focus title=”I’ve spent too long watching motovlogs and now its time to do have a go at it” orientation=”left”] When I say have a go at it I mean video logging on a motorcycle: With my imminent relocation to South Carolina, my poor old motorcycle has been hibernating for the last few years and it’s time to get… Read more: learning to moto vlog on a motorcycle
Bloody Thing. Hashtag BLOODY THING!!! It wont start. I’m losing my mind. Click the video link because I cant be arsed to type anything. Too hashtag goddamned depressed. 🙁
I originally bought this bike in Virginia, when I first moved to the good ole USA back in 2010. I got it from a guy in Ohio who had not ridden it for nearly 6 years (or so he said). But, the bike was clean and it started after a little persuasion, ran for about… Read more: After moving to California – it’s time to try and get the old boy running
Title translated as “Elusive girl on a motorcycle against debris” I love this video, taping the bottle to the car mirror makes me laugh out loud every-time I watch it…. For a biker chick she sure has some balls 😉
So, while I’ve been working here in California, poor old Tiberius (The Custard Racer) has been quietly snoozing and gathering more dust and moss in a lockup back on the East Coast. Planning on loading up a moving truck and driving across the USA (East to West) at end of June. Going to be an exciting roadtrip with my… Read more: Icon Varient Motorcyle Helmet – does it fit great big heads?
[thrive_headline_focus title=”I’ve just won a 98 ECU on fleabay” orientation=”left”] So, working on the assumption that even if the ECU is perfect, the ECU is probably something that will be handy to have snuggling in the bottom of my spare-parts-that-might-break-one-day drawer… 😉 Last but not least how do I check the fuel feeds are good INSIDE… Read more: some new triumph t595 goodies from ebay
[thrive_headline_focus title=”In the process of relocating to Southern California for a new job…” orientation=”left”] Apparently the California roads are awesome…. weather is awesome… Tiberius is slumbering back on the East Coast and I’m considering shipping him out to this side of the country and starting the resurrection process. I’m already fantasizing about the 20 minute commute to… Read more: California Roads are making me itch
[thrive_headline_focus title=”2013 has come and gone.” orientation=”left”] Tiberius the Custard Racer has quietly spent the year hibernating in a storage lockup (for the first 5 months) and then in the house garage (for the next 7 months) while I’ve spent the bulk of the year flying around the country, working out of state. Not as glamorous… Read more: Another year goes by… 2014 looms large while Tiberius Slumbers
Tiberius the Trumpet has sat in storage for years… then I bought him in 2010 and got him running but Just for a few days. He broke down (rubber had corroded on an old fuel injector pipe) and quietly gathered dust for a few weeks before slinking back in storage again while I traveled around for… Read more: Moving an old, sick, dusty, broken down Triumph Daytona to California
So, I have a really big head and I mean a really big head. I had never found a baseball cap that fit me until I found Big Head Caps. I mean… Honestly… my head is so big it has small moons orbiting it. In the UK I used to wear an Arai DS which… Read more: Its 4xl (xxxxl) helmet time for this motorcycle moon head
2012 has come and gone. It’s been an eventful year for me but a very uneventful year for Tiberius the Trumpet (aka The Custard Racer). My work contract in Vegas is finished and I’ve moved back to South Carolina and gazing at Tiberius as he’s spent the last 12 months in storage. I fire him up… Read more: Another year goes by… 2013 looms large while Tiberius Slumbers
So, while the Yellow Peril is in pieces, I’m sifting through ebay for useful bits and pieces that I can bolt on to improve or swap out to make sharper. I thought it might be useful to get myself a new air filter. They say the K&N Airfilter for a Triumph Daytona T595 will unleash… Read more: K&N Airfilter for Tiberius the Trumpet
London’s weird and dangerous roads with Premises187. Premises187 somehow seems to attract drama on his rides through London. One of the few motovlogs that makes me laugh out loud. LOL. Really. He is often confrontational, quite sweary and just plain amusing
Wyvernbiker is an English Motovlogger based in Derby in the East Midlands. I started riding late in life. In 2010 and learnt to ride on a YBR125. After getting my full license I bought a GS500 and now I ride a 2011 SV650s and a 2005 ER5. the wyvern bloke himself I like his dry… Read more: Motovlogger: Wyvern Biker
AFX FX-MAGNUS FULL FACE HELMET BLACK XXXXL Wow! What a great Helmet. Encouraged by my recent acquisition of the 5Xl Open Face Vega I thought I would risk a couple of dollars on the AFX and I’m delighted I did. And an incredible price on Fleabay: Brand: AFX Model: FX-MAGNUS FULL FACE HELMET Color: BLACK… Read more: Another big Moon Head Helmet for the collection (XXXXL – yep thats 4XL)
Pretty boring blog entry this one, but as I know I’m going to be stripping down and flushing fluids I think its useful to have a couple of oil filters handy. I know the previous owner filled with new oil but I doubt very much, that he bothered to strip it down and fit a… Read more: Oil Filter for Triumph Daytona t595
Can it really be that long? So much has happened while he’s been in his coma: I’ve moved twice (from the mountains of Virginia to the Beaches of Folly and now to eventually settling in Daniel Island, South Carolina) While I moved house, he remained in deep slumber, merely moving from garage to garage. He’s been… Read more: Tiberius the Trumpet has been dozing for a whole year
$109 later I’m the happy owner of a BIKETEK Single Sided Swingarm Stand which fits TRIUMPH Daytona T595 up to 1999 (and the 955i upto 2001) Any work on the bike is so much easier when its on a stand….
I stumbled across this fantastic funny advert for the Triumph Rocket 3. This was a totally genuine viral advertisement commissioned by Triumph Motorcycles back in 2007 when the bike was launched. It’s just superb. Most amusing, in the style of the old Hitchhikers Guide and just…. well… Bloody Funny: Ever since the dawn of time… Read more: Triumph Rocket 3 Motorcycle – funny viral advertisement commercial
In March 2010, I found a 1998 Triumph Daytona T595 on eBay. A fantastic Strontium Yellow motorcycle, very low mileage and near showroom condition. After six years in storage, when I fired the old beast up and he sat burbling on tickover and test rode like a dream. With a big cheesy grin, I handed… Read more: Welcome to Tiberius the T595 Trumpet
1998 Triumph Daytona T595 Yesterday, I was delighted to go collect my 1998 Daytona T595 from some ebay Bloke. I’m told the bike has been in storage for the last 4 years but the last registered date on the license plate is 2004(!) so I suspect its been in storage a little longer than that.… Read more: I just bought a Triumph Daytona T595 – 955 injection in Strontium Yellow
Of course, while packing for a move to another country thats half way round the world, one of the things you dont pay to move is an old assorted collection of hand-me-down tools… it’s only when you need tools that you swear, grimace and wish you had packed them rather than that sentimental wool-sweater than… Read more: Time for a new Toolkit
A great opportunity to give the motorcycle a good spring clean. So, here is the mission strip down without taking the engine to bits investigate the fuel tank for blocked pipes give it a nice Spring Service (Fresh oil, Filters, Plugs, Coolant) Check Electrics and re-seat all connections give it a thorough cosmetic clean and optimistically… Read more: Time to strip down the Daytona for some initial investigation
I’m new to the USA and I need a new, slightly old, motorcycle So, I’m new to this side of the pond. England is the past and this beautiful huge country is the future. I had to sell my old vehicles before leaving the old country. Much as I miss my 2002 (new shaped) Triumph… Read more: So, I’ve decided its time to go looking for a Curvy Triumph Daytona