January 9

Another year goes by… 2014 looms large while Tiberius Slumbers


[thrive_headline_focus title=”2013 has come and gone.” orientation=”left”]

Tiberius the Custard Racer has quietly spent the year hibernating in a storage lockup (for the first 5 months) and then in the house garage (for the next 7 months) while I’ve spent the bulk of the year flying around the country, working out of state. Not as glamorous as that may sound. Family has expanded by one – little Daisy Belle being our latest addition – and at Christmas I started a new job, in a new State and we are looking at moving later in Spring.

So, its find house, move house, move stuff, move bike (carefully), setup garage as nice little work shop and let the tinkering begin in earnest.

This also means I have to take my American Motorcycle test in California… the state of sunshine, winding roads and filter (or lane splitting as my colonial friends call it).

Fun times ahead….



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