August 30

Wonderful short video of a Porsche 911 Targa by TechBen


I just stumbled across this video by a German youtuber called Techben: I love his videography style and (obviously) his awesome Porsche 911E Targa.

“In meinem heutigen CINEMATIC-VIDEO zum Porsche 911E Targa, zeige ich was mit der Sony a6300 (Kit-Objektiv) in Kombination mit der Inspire 1, GoPro Hero 4 und Edelkrone Slider so möglich ist.”

which means

In my current CINEMATIC-VIDEO to the Porsche 911E Targa, I show what is possible with the Sony a6300 (kit lens) in combination with the Inspire 1, GoPro Hero 4 and Edelkrone slider.”


911, porsche, targa, techben, video

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