My months in California have been fun but I’ve discovered the famous California lifestyle just isnt quite everything that it’s cracked up to be. I thought I would love it here but… I just… dont… Dont get me wrong, it’s a lovely place but not the shangri-la I was expecting: The weather is great but it’s always the same and I miss the seasons, lots of new places to explore but roads are ridiculously over-crowded, the outside lifestyle is great but houses are way overpriced, beaches are nice but water is murky and chilly.
All in all, I’m not as impressed as I thought I would be.
Now an exciting new job offer is enticing me back to the East Coast — I get to work remote most of the time so I’ve selected my favorite City discovered during my American adventures: Charleston SC.
Love #chucktown 🙂
So, after a few hours of deliberation and several glasses of wine… it’s time to up sticks and move. Again.
Tiberius isn’t even running yet and he is already being packed up and moved 3000 miles again!
More on this adventure later… because now I have to find out about registering him in South Carolina.