September 15

Wet Porsche Cayenne Floor Mats?

Wet carpet on drivers side?

The story so far – I had a drip-drip-drip onto my drivers side carpet. I didnt think too much about it. Until the car died with a massive electrical brain fart which turned out to be caused by the gradual buildup of moisture under the carpet. This moisture eventually corroded some wires hiding down there and caused an electrical nightmare.

This is my first try at fixing it – which didnt solve the dripping carpet problem but did find and unblock some other water drain holes. Definitely something I would recommend to any Cayenne owner – it’s easy and just took a few minutes to do:

After a bit of trial and error — I finally solved the wet floor mat problem. Mine was caused by a blocked AC OVERFLOW VALVE but my first attempt at finding it (this video) was cleaning the other drainage holes.

It’s a quick easy fix so check it out here

Need to do 2 things (1) clear the rubber draining holes and (2) clear the air-conditioning evap tube (next video)

or in the words of the Donald… “drain that swamp”


#drain, #leak, #water, ac, carpet, cayenne, damp, evap, porsche, wet

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