November 11

After moving to California – it’s time to try and get the old boy running


I originally bought this bike in Virginia, when I first moved to the good ole USA back in 2010. I got it from a guy in Ohio who had not ridden it for nearly 6 years (or so he said). But, the bike was clean and it started after a little persuasion, ran for about 15 minutes and then died… I trailored it back to my then home in VA, parked it in my office and promptly went off to work in Georgia for nearly a year. The triumph slept once more.

Then I relocated to South Carolina, Tiberius moved with me into a fresh new storage locker. I did some investigation and found the fuel line had come off the input port in the fuel pump in side the tank. Refitted the line and he started up (with a little reluctance) and I even managed to ride him around my local community for 20 minutes before it died again.

Hashtag “back in storage”.

Then I took a 3 month job in Vegas (who wouldn’t?) and that then stretched to a year and then lead me to here — Southern California. I’m here for a few while, so it’s time to try and fire the old geezer up and get him on the roads…


california, daytona, last vegas, moving, nevada, south carolina, storage, t595, triumph

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