August 3

Viral motorcycle bike rage video – Swarook “Not proud of this Motorcycle road rage shame”


Swarook – handled this angry little man hilariously.

I randomly saw this Swarook video a couple of months ago – it had a few thousand views. I was caught between laughing, cringing and watching it with plain open mouthed incredulity. The worst reflection of the shallow end of American life.

I then binge watched all of the author videos – the guy is called SWAROOK and has a really amusing video style. His bike rage video quickly went viral. Possibly because of the explosive verbal tirade between him and the car driver. Comical and embarrassing to watch.

Why, What, Where and When?

After being overtaken by the white car, he follows, dicks around in the carpark for a few minutes then parks next to the car and engineers this confrontation… but the crazy little man in the car is such a total nutjob it’s unable to tear your eyes away. Road rage and openly aggressive insults to the Max. Madness starts @5:18

Swarook went Dark

Then some personal schnizzle happened and he took all his videos offline….. not before I snaffled a copy of my fave – this road rage explosion in a walmart carpark in Denver, Colorado.

Swarook rebooted his channel and removed old content (but not before I snaffled a copy) and his new, much calmer channel, is over here


bike rage, road rage, swarook, viral video

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