September 11

WET FEET with a Porsche Cayenne


My Bloody Dripping Porsche Cayenne

I’ve had this little drip-drip-drip on the front floor of the Cayenne for about a year.

It only seemed to happen after hot weather and lots of aircon use.

It never seemed to be a problem.

Just goes to show how wrong I am at times.

hashtag epicly wrong.

Long Story Short

The occasional drip drip (onto the drivers foot and also sometimes passengers foot) slowly soaks into floor mats. Overtime this is trapped under the floor mats in the hugely spongy underlay.

This leads to water damage and corrosion of some electrical wires under there. These corroded wires will eventually (incorrectly) send bad signals to the engine computer which then lights up the dashboard like a Christmas tree and scares you half to death: warnings of Brake Proportioning, ABS Failure, Key not recognized and some others.

But don’t panic – help is easy for anyone with some basic tools and the urge to fix it themselves (rather than the $1800 I was quoted by Porsche)


  • Pull up drivers carpet and dry out the damp – clean and reconnect the wiring (which is really easy) and boom Chrimbo Lights should be fixed
  • Now clear out the drain ports under the Cayenne (or Tourag) – another easy job that just needs a couple of screws being undone
  • Now clear out the AC Drain hose in the cabin. This little rubber hose blocks itself and is the main culprit for the wet carpets – another easy job which only takes a few minutes.

It took me a lot of trial and error to find these culprits but it’s done and I managed to video each part. I will edit a video together showing how to do it. It’s really very simple. This definitely seems to be a design flaw from the Porsche Peeps and hopefully my solution will help some other folks out…

UPDATE – I found the DRIP DRIP DRIP and fixed it.


#drain, #electrics, #leak, #water, #wet carpet, cayenne, porsche

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