June 9

T595 tour to Catalunya (CATRAID Spain 2006)

T595.NET ride out from England to Spain…

Back in 2006… before we even understood the phenomenon of motovlogging that would evolve on youtube, one of my biking buddies decided to stick his VCR camera (back when they were called HandyCams) to his bike and record some footage.

These were the days of reckless cruises around Europe, long days in the saddle, speeding down incredible roads, cops waving us past because they wanted to hear the howl of Triple engines and organized TRIUMPH RAT rides before the world became all litigious. Great memories and a great bunch of blokes. Southern Spain at its finest…

A little tear in my eye when I see my old silver Triumph Daytona 955i CE @ 9:35.. reluctantly sold the silver chariot when I left English shores to emigrate West… chuckling at my huge silver touring bum pack and my stupid helm with floppy dog ears… good times 🙂

(not my footage or editing – thanks for the memories S2OOZ)


t595.net, triumph torque

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